The Expensive Cost Of Dirty A/C Ducts On Your HVAC System

Dirty A/C ducts are common in residential homes but may be responsible for some serious cash leaving your accounts each month. Because the ductlines are relatively out of the way and unoticed it’s the perfect place for unmitigated dust and debris to build up. For a Virginia Beach home regularly running their air conditioning or heating, this can add up to piles of wasted cash.

Fixing your HVAC system usually won’t break the bank if you only have to do it once. But consistent repairs due to dirty vents can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,200 each time. But if your air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace has big issues, the replacement parts might set you back $2,500 or more—sometimes as much as a brand-new HVAC system.

One of the best things you can do for your HVAC system is schedule regular air duct cleaning.

How Dust and Mold in your Ducts Cost you money

dusty air ducts ventilation

Dust and mold in your ducts can have financial implications in several ways. Firstly, the accumulation of dust restricts airflow, forcing your HVAC system to work harder, consequently increasing energy bills by 30% or more each month. If this is not caught for years it can be significant.

Fungus growth poses a significant threat to both the operation of your unit and your medical bills. Unpleasant odors, damage to the ductwork, and potentially costly repairs or system breakdowns in severe cases.

Routine duct cleaning is a necessity. Neglecting these issues may decrease your home’s overall value when selling or renting, impacting your potential returns.

HVAC System working overtime

broken air ducts being fixed by a professional contractor

Ever notice your heating and cooling bills going up for no clear reason? Your HVAC system might be overworking because the ducts have stuff in them, like dust and tiny particles. These create friction for the air conditioning, making your system work harder to mantain the same temperature.

Clogged vents make your air conditioning run higher. You may notice the system turning on and off a lot, which can wear out parts like the air handler and blower motors faster. It’s not just about paying more for energy; it’s about overrunning your system until it breaks.

Here’s what happens:

  • Bills for energy go up.
  • The temperature in your home might not be the same everywhere and you turn up the temperature even more.
  • Parts of your HVAC system wears out.
  • You end up spending a lot on repairs or even getting a new system.

How Dirty Ducts Impact your Evaporator Coil

dusty aircon evaporator coil

The evaporator coil is a key part of your air conditioner located inside your home. Its main job is to absorb heat from the indoor air, making the air cooler before it circulates throughout your living space. It plays a crucial role in the cooling process of your air conditioning system.

If the evaporator coil in your air conditioner breaks, it means your cooling system won’t work well. Your home might not get cool enough, and your energy bills could go up. A broken coil can also lead to refrigerant leaks, which are not good for your AC and the environment.

Dirty ducts can make this happen by letting dust and debris build up on the coil. This buildup reduces airflow and can cause the coil to wear out faster.

When the coil can’t work properly, your HVAC system has to keep running longer to get your home to the right temperature.

This means:

  • The coil can’t exchange heat efficiently.
  • Your energy use goes up.
  • You get higher bills because your HVAC has to run longer.

If your coil is damaged, it can cost around $1,500 to replace it. Hiring an HVAC contractor is the best move. Costs can range from $550 to $2,500.

How Dirty Ducts Can Damage the Compressor

damaged aircon compressor

An air conditioning compressor is a device that pumps refrigerant through the air conditioning system. It’s a critical component of an air conditioning system because it’s what allows the heat pump to work

If the compressor in your air conditioner breaks, it’s a big deal for keeping your home cool. The compressor is like the heart of the system, and if it’s not working, your AC won’t cool properly. It can make the air coming out feel warm, and the whole cooling process won’t work well.

Dirty ducts can make the compressor break by letting dust and debris build up on it. This buildup reduces airflow and puts extra strain on the compressor, making it more likely to break down.

While HVAC technicians might fix a broken AC compressor, it often makes more sense to opt for a replacement, similar to the approach with the evaporator coil. The cost of installing a new AC compressor typically ranges from $900 to $3,000.

Comparing Clean Duct Maintenance vs. HVAC Repair

air duct maintenance done by professional contractor

Keeping your HVAC system in good shape involves two main aspects: regular duct cleaning and necessary repairs. Professional duct cleaning is a proactive cleaning measure, removing dust and debris to maintain good airflow and air quality. It helps prevent potential problems and keeps your system running well.

On the other hand, HVAC repairs come into play when issues pop up. These can be minor fixes, like changing filters, or more significant tasks, such as dealing with compressor or coil problems. Repairs are reactive, addressing existing issues compared to the preventive nature of duct cleaning.

In terms of costs, duct cleaning is generally more budget-friendly, ranging from $150 to $500. HVAC repairs can vary a lot, with basic fixes averaging around $350 and more extensive repairs costing over $1,000. Repairs come up a LOT more often when you have dirty air ducts not being cleaned regularly.

In summary, both duct cleaning and HVAC repairs are important for a healthy HVAC system. Regular duct cleaning helps prevent problems, reducing the need for major repairs and promoting overall system health.

Call Universal Duct Cleaning for Affordable and High Quality Service!

universal duct cleaning for air duct cleaning

With our quick and great duct cleaning services, say bye to hidden molds and stubborn dust that make your energy bills go up. Just call us, and we’ll clean your ducts in Hampton Roads, focusing on making you happy and getting lasting results.

Our experts are good at getting rid of the dirt that can lead to expensive fixes. This keeps your system working well, and your air stays clean. Choosing Universal Duct Cleaning means choosing a team that cares about your comfort and knows how to quickly help your home.

Don’t let air pollution and allergens in your ducts make your energy costs go up. Universal Duct Cleaning promises a thorough clean, making your indoor air better and keeping your HVAC system in great shape. Make your home healthier today.

Frequently Ask Questions

AC vents can drip water because of condensation. When warm air meets the cold vent surface, it creates moisture that drips.

Another reason could be a clogged drain line, which prevents proper drainage of condensation. If you notice consistent dripping, it's a good idea to check for any issues with the AC system.

HVAC duct cleaning involves a process where a technician inspects the ductwork, sets up protective measures, and employs specialized tools like brushes and vacuums to clean the ducts.

They may use agitating devices to loosen contaminants, and powerful vacuums to remove them, preventing the spread of dust and debris. In some cases, air washing methods, like compressed air, might be employed.

This process aims to improve indoor air quality and maintain the efficiency of the HVAC system.

To keep your HVAC system working well, change air filters every 1-3 months. For duct cleaning, it's often recommended every 3-5 years, but you might need it sooner if there are issues.

Have professionals inspect your HVAC yearly to gauge cleaning needs. If you've done renovations, had water damage, or someone has allergies, consider more frequent cleaning. Following these steps helps your system last longer and keeps the air in your home clean.

The time it takes to clean HVAC systems varies based on factors like system size, the extent of contamination, and the cleaning method used. In general, a straightforward cleaning may take a few hours, while a more comprehensive cleaning, including ductwork, could take a half-day or longer.

It's advisable to consult with the HVAC technician performing the cleaning for a more accurate estimate based on your specific system and needs.

Regular maintenance, including cleaning, is essential for the efficient operation of your HVAC system and maintaining good indoor air quality.

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Universal Duct Cleaning

Universal Duct Cleaning™ Company specializes in air duct inspections, air duct cleaning and air duct sanitizing treatments. Follow them at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
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